
Responsibility in the sense of the press and copyright for the content of all web pages of Herchenbach companies globally is held by the Hechenbach global head office in Hennef, Germany:


Global head office:

Herchenbach Industrial Buildings GmbH
Humperdinckstraße 1
53773 Hennef, Germany

Delivery address:

Herchenbach Industrial Buildings GmbH
Löhestraße 6
53773 Hennef, Germany

Branch office:

Herchenbach Industrial Buildings GmbH
Leopoldstraße 18
80802 Munich, Germany

100% subsidiaries:

Herchenbach LTD
C/o Beever and Struthers 
One Express
1 George Leigh Street
Manchester M4 5DL

Herchenbach SARL
4 Rue Marconi
57070 Metz, FR

Name of supplier as required by the remote services law (TDG)

Service provider:
Herchenbach Industrial Buildings GmbH
Humperdinckstraße 1
53773 Hennef

General managers:
Mr Till Bossert
Mr Nektarios Apostologlou

Contact at global head office:
Tel: +49 (0)2242 - 96996-0
Fax: +49 (0)2242 - 96996-29

Global head office:
Hennef, Germany

Company register for global head office in Germany:
Siegburg county court (Amtsgericht), entry number HRB 4677

VAT ID number (USt. ID. Nr.) for global head office in Germany:
DE 177 842 854 (this is not the VAT number of any subsidiary of Herchenbach Industrial Buildings GmbH)

UK VAT ID number for global head office in Germany:
UK 117 3046 43 (this is not the VAT number of any subsidiary of Herchenbach Industrial Buildings GmbH)

For Legal questions and errors of content, please contact:

For data protection questions, please contact:

The following social media profiles are associated with Herchenbach and are fully managed by Herchenbach in Hennef, Germany, for all Herchenbach companies globally:
